Standsure reviews shows improvements in patients of all ages!

The tool has been already in use across the United Kingdom, and we proudly announce some incredible results!




Standsure is a simple tool intended made to be incorporated into rehabilitation programs! The most recent RMS launch has been improving the lives of many across England! Users have enjoyed incorporating the product while practising repetitive sit-to-stand, standing or seating activities turning rehab sessions into a fun enjoyable moment.


One of the most recent cases we have been loving and proud to follow up on is Brandon`s progression! He is a four-year-old boy living in London diagnosed with a rare neurological condition called Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria, a brain deformation of the cerebral cortex. Due to his condition, the global development delay throughout the years made him more dependent to walk. The family started incorporating the board in June 2022. He has been doing rehabilitation directed by a professional at home, and he does it while playing reaching his toys or watching his favourite cartoon.



Brandon’s mum couldn’t be prouder of him when speaks about his progression to us: "We have been trying different ways to successfully make him stand on his own by holding his hand or holding an object, but it just doesn`t give him comfort. With Standsure he can free stand watching his favourite cartoon and we noticed from week one he started from one minute and now, we’re in week four and he can free stand for six minutes! It is huge progress! I am positive!”.


Watch more about Brandon`s progression with Standsure:




We have been receiving results from healthcare professionals too. The Standsure has been in use from physios in domiciliary private environments to schools! A physiotherapist working in domiciliary private practice says “the board is portable and easily fits in my car. Simple to use and easy to clean. I have had really good results with a young quadriplegic and noted improvements in transfers, sitting balance, and ability to maintain high kneeling and crawling. Interestingly, upper limb function has also improved; they needed a scribe in school for 100% of written tasks but are now managing around a third of it on their own. The patient also reports feeling more confident.”


A paediatric physiotherapist working in special needs schools says "This has been such a welcome adjunct to therapy and hugely successful in schools, clinics and home environments. I have been using it for better foot placement in sitting and standing generally. I have a few children who use it currently for practising sit-to-stand and vice versa to aid balance, strength and coordination. It has also been very successful in encouraging better posture in standing whilst engaging the child in activities to improve function, core stability and overall well-being."

 It is very easy to use and to teach others eg parents, teachers and is so easy to carry and move around.”


The Standsure can be purchased here on our website. If you want to know more about its features and benefits of it go to the product page!





A special thank you to all the families and professionals involved in participating in the Standsure project! 

RMS Limited